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Education Department

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The Department of Education, Women’s Christian College, came into existence in the year 2005 offering General Degree Course.The honours stream was introduced in the year 2012 under the guidance of the present principal Dr Ajanta Paul.

The Education Department creates a stimulating environment for the Academic growth of its students. Lectures, Papers and Powerpoint presentations, Field trips are organized regularly to enhance the skill of the students.

A vibrant intellectual environment encompassing both teachers and students is cultivated. The department inspires the students to pursue Higher Education by honing their critical thinking abilities.

The aim of the Department is to develop and empower students through education that fosters knowledge and skills and promote social and cultural values.

We put in our best efforts to make sure that students after graduating are able to lead their lives as respectable members of the society.

The Department believes in the holistic development of the students and strives towards engaging the students in the teaching learning process and encourages personal and collective responsibility.

Best Practices

Teaching Learning


Capacity Building

Academic Activities

Certificate Courses



Twinkle Nayak, Rajrupa Daw and Suravi Banerjee secured first class in B.A. Part III Honours Examination, University of Calcutta, 2015
Soma Gayen participated as the student representative of the college at the workshop on Values Education in National Education held on 18th January, 2016 organized by the Rabindranath Tagore Centre for Human Values
Soma Gayen won the gold medal at the State Level Chess Boxing Championships held in July, 2016
RakhiMondal of First Year Honours secured the first position in the Kangaroo Race at the Annual Sports, 2016
Nirmal V. Glory of First Year Honours secured the second position in the Balance Race at the Annual Sports, 2016


Distinguished Alumna


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Student Progression

Departmental Notices

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A departmental seminar was organized on 9.9.2013 on the topic ‘Concept of Stress and its Management’. The speaker was Dr.MadhumalaSengupta, Associate Professor, Department of Education, University of Calcutta.
A special lecture on ‘Causes of maladjustment in Educational Institution and their possible solution’ was organized on 11.11.2013. The speaker was Dr. Debashri Banerjee, Associate Professor, Department of Education, University of Calcutta.

A student seminar was held on 18.11.2013 for the first and the second year honours students. Topics for the seminar were John Dewey and Pragmatism(First year) and Women’s Education and Illiteracy(Second year)

A field trip was organized by the department for the first and second year honours students to Jorasanko Thakurbari in 2014

One Day UGC sponsored State Level Seminar on Challenges of Education in the 21st century was organized by the Department in collaboration with All India Association for Educational Research, West Bengal Chapter on 9th March,2015

A workshop on Pedagogy and Memory was organized on 6th October 2015 for the honours students of the Department. Dr. Madhumala Sengupta, Associate Professor,Department of Education, University of Calcutta was the resource person.

A special lecture on Part III Honours Statistics Practical syllabus was organized on 24th November,2015. Prof Swapna Sengupta of Muralidhar Girls’ College was the guest speaker.

The First Year Honours students of the department were taken on a Field Trip to Vivekananda’s Ancestral House and Cultural Centre, Kolkata on 8th December, 2016

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