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Govt./Non-Govt. Sponsored

Name of the research project/ endowment

Name of the Principal Investigato r/Co-

investigato r

Department of Principal InvestigatorYear of Award

Amount Sanctio  ned

Durati on of the projectName of the Funding AgencyType (Governme nt/non- Governmen t)
Unification and generalization of topological concepts and some of its applicationsDr.Biswamb har RoyMathematics


3,81,1003 yearsDepartment  of Science and Technology, Biotechnolo gy,Governm ent of West BengalGovernment
Unification and generalization of topological concepts and some of its applicationsDr.Biswamb har RoyMathematics


72,1003 yearsDepartment  of Science and Technology, Biotechnolo gy,Governm ent of West BengalGovernment
Unification and generalization of topological concepts and some of its applicationsDr.Biswamb har RoyMathematics


72,1003 yearsDepartment  of Science and Technology, Biotechnolo gy,Governm ent of West BengalGovernment
International  Webinar by the Department of EconomicsDr.Mousumi Kar c/o Dr.Ajanta PaulEconomics


250001 dayICSSR - ERCGovernment
National  SeminarSikha MukherjeePhilosophy


860001 dayICSSR - ERCGovernment